By now you’re aware that good oral hygiene can impact on your overall wellbeing, it makes sense to optimise your oral health routines and really keep on top of your oral health. Here are some fundamentals to consider to improve on your oral health regime.
Use the Right Tools
While there isn’t the need to rush out and buy a you-beaut, top of the range electric toothbrush, choosing the right toothbrush is important. A good electric toothbrush can be a worthwhile investment, but if you prefer to use a traditional brush, steer away from the hard bristles and choose a soft or medium bristle brush instead. Hard bristles can cause damage to the enamel on your teeth, so using a softer brush with the right technique is all you really need.
How many types of floss are there to choose from? If you’re concerned about which one is best for you, talk to your dentist about the right type of floss for your tooth configuration.
Fray away!
If your toothbrush is looking a bit hairy, it’s time to replace it. Once the bristles have decided to go wherever they please, your brush is not doing your cleaning routine any favours. After three months, it’s a new brush please!
How’s your form?
Keep working to perfect your technique. We’ve mentioned not brushing too hard, so what is the right way to brush? Recommendations are to aim your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gum line, move your brush in short back and forward strokes to cover the entire tooth surface. Brush the outside surfaces, then the inside surfaces, making sure you reach even the hard to get to back teeth (remember to brush along the gum line to loosen any debris caught there. It’s recommended that you brush for 2 minutes all up. AND – don’t forget to floss! Hold the floss firmly with both hands, pull the floss up both sides of every tooth to loosen and expel any debris caught in the spaces. Floss is boss every day!
If you’re unsure how effective your technique is, check in with your dentist next time you visit.
Balance your diet
A healthy balanced diet is good for teeth and good for you. Limit your snacks so your mouth isn’t under a constant barrage – and choose snacks wisely when you are not able to brush afterward. Rinsing with water after eating (and drinking) is always a good idea.
Do you have protection?
If you play contact sport, invest in a mouthguard, your health fund will have cover for this. Your dentist can make you a decent custom mouthguard to protect your teeth from damage while you play.
If you grind your teeth at night, ask your dentist about a splint. Grinding can cause wear and tear on your teeth, it may leave you with headaches and tooth sensitivity – grinding may even cause a tooth to crack. Your dentist can make you a splint to wear at night while you sleep, to prevent any nocturnal damage to your beautiful pearlies.
Come see us!
Last, but definitely not least in a list of smart things to do to improve your oral hygiene is to maintain your regular visits to your dentist. Regular Active Maintenance appointments are an essential component of good oral health. While doing the best job you can at home is vital, your dentist can keep tabs on any potential problems and monitor how well you are doing with your home care. Regular visits to the dentist can keep expensive treatments at bay, as your dentist can catch any problems early, before anything nasty happens.
Want to learn more or book a consultation? Visit our Contact Us page and complete our enquiry form or call us on 02 9389 3656, we’ll be happy to help answer your questions.